The Director-General, Nigerian Institute of International Affairs (NIIA), Professor Eghosa Osaghae has said that the Federal Government has been very inclusive in its approach to dealing with Boko haram insurgency.
The DG said this in response to a question asked by The Director, Nust Institute of Policy Studies, Pakistan, Brigadier (Retired) Amir Yaqub if there is an option for engaging Boko haram say peace talks? during a Roundtable Discussion On Pakistan-Nigeria Relations: Avenues of Cooperation, held yesterday in Lagos
Professor Eghosae stated that keeping the options open is very important as the direction of the resultant might not pre-determined
The DG linkened Boko haram to a runaway inflation movement, which is in retreat but has been degraded in many areas even though looking for ways to adapt and sustain its life like a virus.
Speaking on the dynamism, The Former Vice-Chancellor of Igbinedion University noted that government has been very inclusive in its approach to dealing with Boko haram.